Insurance for Nonprofits
Offered by Nonprofits Insurance Alliance
Social Services Nonprofits Community ServicesDescription
Nonprofits Insurance Alliance (NIA) currently insures more than 26,000+ nonprofits in 32 states and the District of Columbia, customizing coverages to meet nonprofits' specialized insurance needs.
NIA's NONPROFITS OWN® brand comprises the most comprehensive coverages available to nonprofits, and was created by and for 501(c)(3) nonprofits.
All NIA member-insureds enjoy stable prices for liability coverages and free/highly subsidized risk management tools, resources, and services.
Coverages include: General liability, directors and officers, business auto, non-owned hired auto, property, auto physical damage, improper sexual conduct and physical abuse, social service professional, and liquor liability.
Organizations must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to be insured.
Carrier Information
Nonprofits Insurance Alliance
Rating A (Excellent)
Rating By A.M. Best
Listing Contact
Dottie Savage Broker Relationship Manager
Offered By

Availability 33 states
Not Covered