Back Fuel Haulers/Trucking Co

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seamusm Dec 30, 2019 1:21 PM

Who writes Fuel Haulers in Southern CA?  Insured is with Federated and is giving me oppurtunioty to quote it.  12 trucks and trailers that pick up & drop off jet fuel to the local (small) airports.   Any help would be greatly appreicated!

tramsey91 Jan 3, 2020 7:46 AM
If Federated out in CA is anything like they are in TX, it will be very tough to beat their auto rates. Phly has a program that can compete but the jet fuel might be a kicker for them. Great Divide could be another option if they write in CA. 
jliu Feb 4, 2020 2:17 PM
Anyone write heavy construction auto insurance in CA? 

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