The McGowan Companies

The McGowan Companies

Preferred Gold Company

Share Company Profile

The McGowan Companies core insurance operations consist of McGowan Program Administrators (MPA), McGowan Excess & Casualty (MEC), McGowan, Donnelly & Oberheu, LLC (MDO), McGowan Governmental Underwriters (MGU), and McGowan Risk Specialists (MRS).

Showcase Insurance Markets

Accountants E&O Insurance
Accountants Professional Liability CPA's Accountants Professional Liability + 1 more
Active Shooter / Workplace Violence Insurance
Active Shooter Active Assailant
Restaurant Package Insurance
Restaurant Package Restaurants Fine Dining Casual Dining Fast Casual Restaurants + 1 more
Family Entertainment Center (FEC) Insurance Program
Community Association Umbrella
Homeowners Associations Townhome Associations Condo Associations Umbrella + 5 more

More Insurance Markets From The McGowan Companies 8 Total

Umbrella Insurance, Excess Liability, Commercial Insurance
Excess Liability Umbrella Commercial Umbrella Commercial Excess Trade Contractors + 3 more
Real Estate Umbrella
Real Estate Apartment Umbrella Apartments Office Buildings Shopping Centers + 2 more
Community Assoc D&O (General)
Directors & Officers Condominium Associations Commercial Associations Cooperatives + 5 more
Restaurant Umbrella Program
Restaurants Fast Food Restaurant Umbrella Restaurant Umbrella Family Restaurants + 3 more
Hotel Umbrella Insurance
Hotels Hotel Umbrella Timeshares Commercial Umbrella Umbrella
Public Entity Umbrella Insurance
Umbrella Public Officials Towns Cities Villages Municipalities Special Purpose + 1 more
Condominium Association Package
Contractors Pollution Liability Insurance
Contact This Company
Company Headquarters 20595 Lorain Rd
Fairview Park, OH 44126
Show Phone Number
Phone 440-333-6300 Tollfree 800-545-1538

5 office locations