Back Limo Booking Service - Need Coverage

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MicheBar Sep 10, 2015 2:16 PM

The Business model is where limousine companies are affiliates, the pictures and pricing of their limos on the reservation service's website, from there the customer goes on and selects the limo of his choice like a style, the customer then fills out a contract and is charged a deposit of 30% of the total contract, the completed contract is then e mailed on to the limousine provider to reconfirm with the customer and provide all of the services. There will be disclaimers on the site stating that this is just a booking agent and have no responsibility for anything that happens inside or outside of the limo.

Can anyone tell me what coverages should be provided and where I can get them?
Thank you,
dstahl Sep 17, 2015 8:53 AM
You're needing GL, BPP & BI (likely a BOP for these), Prof, Website Liab, Privacy & Security/Breach at a minimum.
USX/S offers them all.  Just contact me and we'll get started.

Dave Stahl


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