Back WC for Chimney Cleaning and repair company in VA with 1.61 mod

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Market Requests

senordude55 Oct 5, 2015 5:27 PM
Hello, I'm looking for a potetial market for this VA based chimney cleaning and masonry chimney repair company with a 1.61 mod. The company has been in business for 20+ years and has had no claims in the last 2 years.
gotcomp Oct 6, 2015 5:40 PM
Have A PEO that can help.
mhoevel Oct 7, 2015 9:20 AM
You can email me the app. I have a market for you if your loss ratio is favorable. A 1.61 mod could result from one major claim or several minor ones. I wont know until I look at your worksheet. But the two clean years is what will get me a quote for you as long as the loss ratio is favorable.

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