Niche Workers' Compensation Solution for the Transportation Industry
Offered by Amwins Underwriting
WC Workers Comp Workers Compensation Transportation Auto Transporters Flatbed Haulers Refuse Haulers Couriers BusesDescription
Amwins Specialty Casualty Solutions, part of the Amwins Underwriting division, offers an exclusive trucking workers' compensation program that covers several areas within the transportation industry.
Target accounts include:
- Trucking (predominantly long-haul operations, including auto transport, moving and storage, flatbed haulers and refuse haulers)
- Couriers and delivery (including Amazon and FedEX)
- Bus companies
- In business for at least three years
- Satisfactory DOT rating
- Full-time safety directory
Excluded operations: Hazardous exposures including gas haulers, explosives, liquid chemicals, and anhydrous ammonia
Coverages offered:
- Workers’ Compensation
- Occupational Accident
- Contingent Liability
Minimum premium: $50,000
To learn more about our work comp solution for the transportation industry, please visit our website.
Carrier Information
Rating A-
Rating By A.M. Best
Listing Contact
Chris Gingue VP
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Availability 47 states
Not Covered