California Distressed Risk Workers' Compensation Solution
Offered by RPS Signature Programs
Workers Compensation California Workers Comp High Risk Hi Mod Workers Comp Lapse In Coverage New Ventures Workers CompDescription
Workers’ Compensation Solution for Loss Adverse Risks.
RPS Signature Programs’ specializes in California Workers’ Compensation. With access to many A.M. Best ‘A’ rated markets, no premium thresholds, and a broad underwriting appetite, RPS is your solution for Workers’ Compensation.
RPS is positioned to deliver competitive Workers' Compensation options to insureds suffering from distressed or loss sensitive risks. Insureds can include those suffering with high Ex-Mods, lapses in coverage, undesirable history, new ventures, and more. You and your clients need to be aligned with a partner that is experienced, knowledgeable, and honest. One who can guide you and your client in a direction that will result with the proper Workers’ Compensation program they need.
Our underwriting staff is responsive and ready to work together for successful outcomes. Competitive commissions, flexible payment plans including 0% down, and exceptional claims and loss control services encompass our superior workers’ compensation program for our broker partners and their clients.
Products Include:
- Workers’ Compensation
- Heavier in Class Operations
- High Ex-Mod’s
- Large Accounts
- Lapse in Coverage
- New Ventures
Program Highlights:
- Fast response time
- Flexible payment plan options including EFT/ACH
- Superior claims & loss control services
- Competitive rates & commissions
- Lapses in coverage acceptable pursuant to carrier guidelines
Has Pen
Appointment Required
Carrier Information
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Listing Contacts
Mark Williams Marketing Executive Vice President
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Availability 4 states
Not Covered