Convenience Store (C-Store) with Gas Station Package Program
Offered by Covenant Underwriters
C-Stores Gas Gas Stations Self-Service Gas Stations Convenience Stores Convenience Stores With USTDescription
Covenant writes c-stores with gas stations nationally on a custom E&S package policy in our convenient Broker Portal.
- Convenience stores/ c-stores with gas stations
- Franchised and independent
- Up to $5M property values per location
- Up to $1M liability limit per location
Program Highlights
- Optional HNOA, TRIA, Flood, and EPLI
- Property buyups for Crime, Money, Utility Failure
- Liability buyups for Assault, Bad Gas, Products
- Flexible deductibles
Broker Portal Features
- Instant premium indication
- 2-day average submission response time
- Adjust coverage options on approved quotes and bind without going back to the underwriter
- Automated monthly billing
- Self-manage policy documents and details in Portal
Ineligible Risks
- Severe exposure to tornado, hail, hurricane, or wildfire
- Auto service operations
- Smoke shops and CBD
- Poor loss history
- Roof in poor condition
- Poor online reviews
Submission Requirements
- Submitted on Covenant’s Broker Portal
- 5 years loss runs or signed loss statement
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Availability 49 states
Not Covered