Umbrella and Excess
Offered by Brecht & Associates, Inc.
Umbrella Excess Auto General Liability GarageDescription
Program Details
    ·    Follow Form Excess coverage forms available
    ·    Risks up to $15,000,000 gross receipts
Standard Limits    ·    Up to $5,000,000 excess liability Limits
    ·    Excess liability within First $5,000,000
    ·    MP Low Hazard - Excess GL only - $2,000
Submission Requirements    ·    Standard Acord applications (complete description of operations)
    ·    Supplemental application (if applicable).
    ·    Underlying GL/AL/EL information (Quotes, price, terms, etc..)
    ·    Expiring umbrella/Excess Liability limits/
    ·    5 years of currently valued loss runs (GL, AL, EL)
    ·    Details of any loss over $25,000
    ·    Is there a target premium?
Carrier Information
Rating A-VIII
Rating By AM Best
Offered By

Availability 2 states
Not Covered