Investor Property
Offered by ISC (Integrated Specialty Coverages)
Investors Real Estate Investors Property Business Personal Property Swimming Pools Flood Equipment Breakdown Vacant Land Earthquake Vacant DwellingDescription
Our Investor Property Program (IPP) is designed for Real Estate Investors owning multiple properties. By eliminating the hassle and extra cost of insuring each property individually, our program simplifies their insurance into one convenient master policy. Over 25k locations insured to date!
Available Limits
- Monoline Property or Packaged with $1MM/$2MM GL Limits
- Up to $2MM TIV Any One Location
Program Highlights
- A.M. Best A Rated Carrier
- Basic (ACV) & Special Form (RCV)
- Minimum of 5 properties
- Buildings With or Without Updates Welcome
- No Maximum Number of Properties
- Multiple State Policies Available
What We Offer
- Business Personal Property
- Loss of Rents
- Swimming Pool Liability
- Equipment Breakdown
- Flood
- Debris Removal
- Vacant Land Liability
- Water Back-Up
- Earthquake
- Ordinance or Law
- Dog Bite Liability
Who We Write
- Rental Dwelling 1-8 Family
- Vacant Dwelling
- Condo Rentals
- Risks Under Renovation
- Short Term Vacation Rentals
Has Pen
Carrier Information
Offered By

Availability 50 states
Not Covered