Back Motor Truck Cargo

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Market Requests

gursikh Sep 21, 2011 7:20 PM

Need a MTC market in CA for a 19yr old hauling office products/documents in his personal vehicle, 4dr Sedan. New Venture

ram-insurance Sep 22, 2011 10:00 AM
I am not sure if we can help (i am not the expert in trucking) but you can contact the head of our trucking department Wally Crapo @ to see if this is something we could write.

Jonathan Maloney
Rich Bren Sep 23, 2011 1:02 PM

Basically you have an inland marine exposure like a Courier risk. Look on this site for courier risk underwriters. Or access any of your E&S Brokers and ask for an inland marine bailee coverage or legal liability coverage for the property of others during transport and while in the care, custody, and control of your named insured.

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