Back Contractors Workers Comp in PA?

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Market Requests

Wkratzer Apr 29, 2016 10:10 AM
Is there anyone who writes this besides the state? The only one I found is $10,000 minium premium. What are the small artisan contractors to do that have 1 or 2 employees? There only options is through the state paying high premiums. Does anyone know? I have someone who has had it with the state for 5 years with no claims. They should be able to get it elsewhere.
gotcomp Apr 29, 2016 6:24 PM
I have a PEO that can help.
Denisei May 2, 2016 11:51 AM
BerkleyNet may be an option in this state for a small contractor.  Please contact me at
Jon May 2, 2016 12:03 PM
I don't view this as a problem. Of course you must offer the supporting lines of insurance in order to write the Comp.and pass Underwriting requirements. That's to be expected. my contact:
Wkratzer May 2, 2016 1:49 PM
Thanks to everyone who reached out to me. I really want to help my clients get all their lines from me. I'm not interested in PEO's. I was able to get appointed with in less than a day and the premium that is $5500 thru the state will be anywhere from $2400-$3600 thru one of their 2 carriers. They are awesome and Thomas Mckee, my new friend in Havertown, PA is as well. He helped me out this morning on a Monday and we all know how Mondays can be.

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