Back real estate brokers professional liability

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mebrunne Mar 16, 2007 3:12 PM
Client's spouse is a general contractor with 20 years experience on single family homes. Client & spouse purchased land, under a separate corporate entity, developed it into a subdivision complete with sewer & roads. Client recently passed real estate brokers exam for WI and has two offers on lots but is having difficulty finding brokers professional liability because of common ownership. Good financials. Client owns and operates another successful business for last 15 years.
bboneck Mar 16, 2007 3:25 PM
Client's spouse is a general contractor with 20 years experience on single family homes. Client & spouse purchased land, under a separate corporate entity, developed it into a subdivision complete with sewer & roads. Client recently passed real estate brokers exam for WI and has two offers on lots but is having difficulty finding brokers professional liability because of common ownership. Good financials. Client owns and operates another successful business for last 15 years.
call me at 702 564 1927
Rochelle Elliott Mar 19, 2007 1:46 PM
Try the program offered through George F. Brown out of Chicago. They have an endorsement which provides coverage for Construction/Development activities of an applicant, if it is done through a separate legal entity. Pllus they have spousal coverage and agent owned property coverage options. Would client be willing to exclude coverage for agent owned properties? There are carriers that will offer coverage to this client, but exclude the owned property exposure.
barbmal Mar 19, 2007 2:13 PM
Give Pete Andersen, at Prime Insurance a call. Prime has an extensive professional liabiality/gap coverage product that could work out well. 800-257-5590, ext. 5591

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