Back Sub Agent Issue

jmdineen Nov 19, 2008 10:08 AM
A retired agent called me stating he wants to continue working with certain clients of his but needs access to a life company that I am contracted with (he called the company and they sent him to me). I do not know all the ramifications of a sub-agent agreement or whatever it is called. How does this impact my E&O? Should he have his own E&O? Anybody have a suggestion of where I can study this before I make a decision?
gregcw Nov 21, 2008 3:45 PM
Working with Life might be different than my similar experience with a retired P&C agent. This man ,DS, had been an agency principal in another state and moved to Oregon to retire. He approached me to work as a producer. His idea of being a procucer was to go out and hunt prospects, take a few notes, bring them back to a CSR and lay it on their desk and excpect them to do all of the data entering AND gathering. We later learned that DS had an alcohol problem and caused a GREAT DEAL of disruption in the agency. I'm not trying to say that it can't work but do your homework and make extremely certain that it will.

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