Jencap Specialty Insurance Services (Environmental)

Jencap Specialty Insurance Services (Environmental)

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Specialty Environmental & Professional Liability Wholesaler

Insurance Markets From Jencap Specialty Insurance Services (Environmental) 10 Total

Waste Broker
Pollution Waste Disposal Waste Haulers Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal Plastics + 5 more
Pollution Legal Liability
Pollution Environmental Impairment Environmental Site Site Pollution Site Pollution Legal Liability + 4 more
Product Pollution Liability
Chemicals Pollution Environmental Chemical Distributor Chemical Manufacturing + 5 more
Underground (UST) and Above Ground Storage (AGS) Tank Pollution
Pollution Gas Stations Environmental UST Underground Storage Tank Above Ground Storage Tank + 4 more
Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Hauler
Hazardous Waste Haz Mat Haulers Medical Waste Disposal Plastic Recyclers Metal Recyclers + 5 more
Environmental Contractors and Consultants
Geotechnical Engineers Environmental Contractors Mold Remediation Environmental Consultants + 6 more
Manufacturers Product Pollution
Manufacturers Chemical Manufacturing Chemical Distributors Pipelines Products Pollution Liability + 4 more
Electronic Waste Recycling
Electronic Recycler Electronic Waste Recycling Facilities E-Waste E-Waste Collector + 2 more
Medical Waste Hauler
Medical Waste Disposal Medical Waste Hazardous Transporters Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal + 3 more
Chemical Manufacturers and Chemical Distributors
Chemical Distributors Chemical Manufacturing Industrial Cleaners & Solvents + 5 more
Contact This Company
Company Headquarters 30 Park Avenue
Manhasset, NY 11030
Show Phone Number
Phone 949-534-9106

1 office location

Memberships WSIA

Licenses 0M15937