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Unlocking Social Media to Build Your Brand and Make More Money

Are you confused about social media marketing? How does it work; is it right for me; how do you even get started? If these questions come to mind, don't fret. You are not alone. In this ever changing and evolving world of online marketing, most insurance agents often feel overwhelmed with the speed of change.

What is Social Media?

Agents need to be aware of social media and the online culture that is defining much of today's business environment. Even though you may not be familiar with the term "social media," chances are you've heard about it or use it to communicate with friends and family. Social media is not a fad; it's a new way of marketing. So, what is social media? It's basically a way for people, brands, products and companies to connect with one another and share their views. It's everything from blogs and message boards to platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Making Money Where You Never Have Before

Social media can be viewed as marketing without the hard sell. It enables users to create content and share it with anyone who cares to read or listen. Instead of "pitching or pushing" products, these technologies allows for conversations to lead the relationship. The conversation is created by offering valuable content, suggestions, opinions and engagement by spreading your knowledge and service throughout the virtual world.

The most effective way to use social media is to build meaningful relationships. There is no other low-cost promotional method out there the gives you the opportunity to target your prospective clients, and have them willingly spread the word about your brand. However, you have to keep it social.

Remember also that the use of social media is not always about marketing. It's a great tool for listening to your market and responding to your market as a trusted "sounding board." The feedback loop will allow you to understand your clients' "points of pain" and the market's needs. This equals free research in real time.

Setting Goals, Making Plans and Executing

The key to making social media a useful tool is to have an overall goal. Without a goal, you are destined to end up lost in the sea of cyberspace. Most agents think, "I want to sell more insurance using the Internet." That is not a realistic goal, just a dream. It's important to have a specific goal for how you want to use social media. Do you need to drive more traffic to your Website or are you looking for more brand awareness? Are you more interested in creating a community that will generate good will and good press? Always pick your goal first.

Once you have a goal, set a plan just like you would for any other business objective. Your aim is to get people to your site with specific content that appeals to a potential client looking for what you've got to offer. People should not arrive at your site by accident but because they are searching for a resource to answer their questions and solve their problem.

Finally, just execute. Don't be afraid to reach out and make mistakes. You can try something and if it doesn't work, you can learn, edit and try again. This is true of both technology and practice. This idea is not cast in concrete but in Jell-o.

That Sounds Great - But How Does This Monetize?

Any agency that wants to get bigger and become profitable needs a foundation of supporters who are willing to make purchases or recommend the agent's services to others. These "fans" now become personal "Internet ambassadors" first for you, then your business cause. The more followers you have, the quicker word spreads about you, your expertise, your community involvement and your business. Social media becomes a force multiplier for your message.

How Much Time is This Going to Take?

The short answer is, "How do you throw a good curve ball?" The amount of effort and enthusiasm you are willing to invest in your social media approach will relate directly to the results you see. The Internet is one of the very few places where the little guy can compete with a big company - and win. It will take some time, ingenuity, effort, patience and perseverance, but it can be done by any agent willing to learn how to unlock this new form of communication.


It's becoming crystal clear that social media can and will be an incredible tool for everything from customer research to customer service. Social media is the most cost effective sales tool you can have, and the sooner you get the platforms working for you, the better your business will be. For every new development there are the pioneers, the masses and the folks behind the curve. The world is online and marketing opportunities are endless and FREE. Where do you stand on the curve?

Kohler is a marketing representative of Unisource Program Administrators, an MGA specializing in workers compensation insurance. UPA provides innovative and distinctive workers' compensation cost reduction solutions for employers. Kohler and the organization he works for is offering a complimentary social media guide. To request your free guide, contact Kohler at 678-294-5459 or You can also send a tweet to @andykohler.