Back TNC ride sharing company insurance needed

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Market Requests

Rideshare_guy Jan 23, 2016 1:47 PM
Hello folks,
I represent a startup that plans to open a network of small business Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) that are regionally owned and controlled.  We are completely innovating the user experience and will field an app soon.  We will have multiple regional companies looking for TNC insurance based on local and state regs.  They will contract with select, high quality rideshare drivers who are required to have the drive-share addon.  We hope to have 5000 drivers on the road this year and can barely keep up with driver inquiries.
The one missing link is an underwriter willing to provide TNC company level insurance.  Laws being pushed thorough by Uber define the coverage quite clearly.  Here is a link to a PDF white paper on the issue:
Please let me know...the regulators can't imagine anything other than Uber and Lyft in the TNC space.  They don't realize the strength of the driver rebellion that is happening right now and how quickly they could lose market share to smaller, more nimble driver-owned TNCs who only need good insurance to move forward.
Thank you.Dennis

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