Back Hydro Milling Contractor

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Market Requests

akasubowski Aug 26, 2014 3:03 PM
I have a hydro milling contractor who travels the US. Uses robots to remove the 1st 2 layers of concrete on overpasses. Robots spray out water at 20,000 psi. He does no repaving or anything of that sort. Currenlty looking to do Dams, Leeves and Airport Runways. Needing a policy that offers Occurrence Form, Blanket AI, Waiver of Subrogation, Primary/Non-Contributory Wording, Per Project Aggregate and doesn't excluded any states. Has a current policy but they exclude coverage for Dams, Leeves or Airport Runways and is looking to bid an Airport Job at LAX. Also if you are just able to offer coverage for the Dams, Leeves, Airports we would consider just writing a policy for that exposure.

Thanks! Please contact me at if you have a market.
kris.h Sep 11, 2014 12:30 PM
Hello - I see that you had put your email address for people to contact you for replies. I was just curious if anyone had any ideas for what you're looking for?

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