Back Snorkel SNUBA Tour Insurance

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bruceski May 20, 2016 4:00 PM
I am looking for GL & PL (at least GL) for a very experienced firm that is starting a business that takes people on snorkel/SNUBA style tours (2 hour tours) from beach locations.   There are no boats involved and the tour locations are typically marine parks (state parks) etc. with maximum depth to 10 feet.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
PeterO May 23, 2016 2:49 PM
It's not SNUBA it is SCUBA & try AmWins
bruceski May 23, 2016 2:55 PM

thanks!   Actual there is soemthing called SNUBA, you see it lots in the Caribean-cross between snorkeling and scuba where there is a float with air tank(s) on it, hoses from the tank (about 10 feet long) go to regulators of each participant-just allows them to go a few feet deep vs. snorkleing on top of the water.  thanks for the Amwins tip
PeterO May 27, 2016 1:07 PM
O yeah i've seen those its a marine salvagers helmet kind of a thing they wear  ok i got you

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